Situational Judgement Tests

Situational judgement tests assess how you deal with scenarios and challenges that come up in the workplace.

  • What are situational judgement tests?

    Situational judgement tests assess how you deal with scenarios and challenges that come up in the workplace. One the test you’ll see several hypothetical problems; the responses you give will help future employers to see what kind of employee you’re likely to be, what your strengths and weaknesses are and how well you’ll fit into the role you’re applying for. The main competencies being tested are your communication skills, commercial awareness, relationship building and teamwork.

  • Why do employers use situational judgement tests?

    Out of all the aptitude tests, situational judgement tests are probably the best indicator of how you’ll deal with situations that you’re likely to encounter at work. As a result, employers spanning multiple industries include the test as part of the hiring process. In the finance sector in particular, it’s important to prove you have the skills to navigate the complexities and challenges of the everyday workplace.

  • What is the situational judgement test format?

    Some tests vary, but most of the time you’ll be faced with a series of different problems or challenges and you’ll have a selection of multiple choice responses. Using your reasoning and emotional intelligence, you’ll select the answer you think is correct, or most appropriate. It’s important to try and put yourself in the shoes of your potential employer and the company they’re hiring for - what skills might they be looking for? What competencies is it important to show?

  • What skills does situational judgement test?

    Emotional intelligence, rationality, relationship building and communication style are just some of the key skills being tested. You might have even encountered some of the problems you’re being tested on, as the situational judgement test uses common workplace challenges to try and test how well suited you are for a role in the finance sector, or whichever industry you’ve applied for. As with every test you take, it’s always important to practice and prepare. We highly recommend trying out some practice situational judgement tests first so you can improve any weak areas and get comfortable with the test format.

Sample Situational Judgement Tests question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

A colleague has confided in you about their intention to leave the company soon. Later, your manager asks if you know of any team issues or if everyone is content in their roles. How do you respond?

  • Reveal the colleague’s plans to your manager, as it is important for management to be prepared for staff changes.
  • Mention indirectly that the team could benefit from team-building exercises to strengthen the commitment of all members.
  • Advise the manager that if there are any concerns, individuals will approach them when they are ready.
  • Suggest to the manager that they conduct one-on-one meetings to gauge each team member’s satisfaction and future plans.

You have just finished a project ahead of schedule and believe there is room for further improvement. However, the deadline for another team project is fast approaching and the team is slightly behind. What do you do?

  • Focus on improving the completed project to ensure it is of the highest quality.
  • Discuss with your manager the possibility of splitting your time between enhancing the completed project and assisting the other team.
  • Immediately offer your assistance to the team that is behind, as meeting the deadline is critical.
  • Wait to be approached by the other team for assistance, as you do not want to overstep your responsibilities.

During a team meeting, you notice two colleagues in a disagreement that is starting to escalate. What is your response?

  • Stay out of the conflict and focus on the meeting agenda to avoid wasting time.
  • Privately speak to each colleague after the meeting to offer support and gather more information.
  • Suggest taking a break from the meeting to allow both parties to cool down and reconvene later.
  • Recommend discussing the disagreement after the meeting with a mediator present to facilitate a resolution.

Your manager assigns you a task that you believe falls outside your job description and for which you are not trained. How do you proceed?

  • Decline the task, explaining that it's not part of your job role and you are not equipped to handle it.
  • Accept the task, and quietly look for online resources or colleagues who can help you learn what you need to know.
  • Discuss your concerns with your manager, asking for clarification on why the task was assigned to you and for any necessary training.
  • Attempt to reassign the task to a more suitable colleague without informing your manager.

You discover that a senior colleague has accidentally made a significant error in a report that was sent to a client. The mistake has not yet been noticed by others. What action do you take?

  • Correct the error yourself and issue a revised report to the client without involving others.
  • Notify your senior colleague of the error and offer assistance in correcting it before more people become aware.
  • Keep quiet about the mistake because pointing it out might reflect poorly on you for criticizing a senior colleague.
  • Inform your manager about the error and let them decide the course of action.

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Well worth the money and highly recommend to every one out there who is not sure they need to practice tests.

Michael used Fintest to help pass his aptitude tests for Amazon.


Situational Judgement Tests Tips

Understand the Company Culture

Before you dive into taking a Situational Judgement exam with Fintest, take a moment to research the company you're applying to. Understanding their values and work culture can give you an inside track on how to approach the hypothetical scenarios presented in the test. Consider the company's mission statement, recent news, and any available information on their work environment to help guide your responses in a way that aligns with their expectations.

Reflect on Your Experiences

Think about past work situations, challenges you've faced, and how you overcame them. This kind of reflection can provide you with a reservoir of real-life examples to draw from. When faced with a scenario on the Situational Judgement Tests, try to recall similar past experiences and consider what choices led to successful outcomes. It's a way of grounding your theoretical answers in the practical wisdom you've gained.

Stay Calm and Composed

During the test, it's easy to feel pressured, but staying calm is key to thinking clearly. Approach each scenario methodically, resisting the urge to rush through the questions. Give yourself a moment to fully digest each situation before determining the most appropriate response. Remember that Fintest is a practice ground—use it as a chance to build your test-taking composure so that you're unflappable when it counts.

Prioritize Logical Thinking

Situational Judgement Tests aren't about what you know, but how you think. Your goal should be to demonstrate logical reasoning in your decision-making process. Weigh the pros and cons of each potential answer and consider the implications of your choices. When practicing with Fintest, take the time to analyze why you select certain responses and learn from any mistakes.

Practice, Practice, Practice!

There truly is no substitute for practice. With Fintest, you have access to a plethora of Situational Judgement practice tests. The more you practice, the more familiar you become with the types of questions and scenarios you'll face. Use this opportunity to refine your approach to these types of exams. Regular practice will help you become quicker at identifying the core issues in each scenario and more adept at selecting the best possible answer.

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Situational Judgement Tests FAQs

How are situational judgement tests scored?

With a situational judgement test, your answers are grouped according to the skill or competency they’re testing. Your combined skills are then compared with a group of people who already successfully hold the role you're applying for - to see how well you fit.

What are situational judgement tests used for?

The test is used to see if you have the necessary skills to succeed at the financial role you’ve applied for, and whether you’re likely to fit well into the team and company dynamics.

What do situational judgement tests involve?

The test will involve a series of different scenarios that are likely to crop up when you work in the financial sector, or indeed many other industries. Your job is to select the most appropriate response to the challenge to show a future employer whether you have the necessary skills and awareness to do the job you’re applying for.

What do situational judgement tests measure?

The tests measure your skills and competencies. The simulated situations are an employers best chance of assessing yours skillset in more detail before offering you a role where these situations are likely to become everyday realities.

Where can I practice situational judgement tests?

You can practice situational judgement tests here! The more you practice, the easier you'll find the test on the day, and the better your score is likely to be. Not only are there lots of different tests to take, you’ll also pick up hints and tips to make the process more manageable.

Which employers use situational judgement tests?

Situational judgement tests are one of the most commonly used aptitude tests by employers. They’re popular within the financial sector as the fast-paced world of finance means that employees are regularly faced with the challenges that appear on the test.

Some popular companies you might have heard of that use situational judgement tests include:


What our customers say about our Situational Judgement Tests

  • Seychelles

    April 24, 2023

    Identified my ability to delegate tasks

    The test has enlightened me more about the roles I am suitable for and developed my knowledge about different decisions a supervisor must make in workplace

  • Hong Kong

    May 09, 2023

    Analyse the reasoning in detail

    I liked the scenario based questions, however there seems to be no absolute right or wrong as there could be many other factors that affect decision making.

  • Jordan

    May 18, 2023

    Good questions

    I liked that it helps you become familiar with the exam. It really helps when you think of real life situations!

  • Ghana

    June 07, 2023

    This is good

    The time was adequate for the test. I would have preferred a different approach to answering the questions.

  • Ghana

    June 27, 2023

    Good Question Structure & Format

    I like how the test is designed to make you select the most likely answer and the least likely outcome

  • United Kingdom

    November 03, 2023

    Very simple, short test

    This test was quite simple and a lot shorter than usual tests. Would have been helpful to have a full-one before deciding on whether to buy the package

  • Netherlands

    November 03, 2023

    Easy to understand and work with it

    I found myself struggling to choose two options between four. I think it would be better if it would have been possible to rank them from most likely to least likely

  • United States of America

    November 03, 2023

    Good practice

    The test gave good insights to what kind of questions will asked for a situational judgement exam. It fostered room to think, evaluate, and decide.

  • Brunei Darussalam

    July 21, 2024

    Professional Questionnaire

    I like the questions are designed in a way that put your mindset in a professionalism manner in order to answer the questions. I don't particularly like the time limit, however, it is always the case in a real life situation. Overall, a good practice test.

  • Brunei Darussalam

    July 21, 2024

    Professional Questionnaire

    I like the questions are designed in the way that puts your mindset into a professionalism manner. I don't like the time limit, but it's unavoidable in a real life situation.