RBS Assessments

Prepare for the RBS recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Careers at Royal Bank of Scotland

Headquartered in Edinburgh and with its foundations dating back to 1727, RBS is one of the UK's oldest financial institutions still in existence today. Not only that, it has been responsible for some major banking milestones. It was the first bank anywhere in the world to offer an overdraft, and the first in the UK to provide a house purchase loan. It also developed the first ever fully operational banking app.

Today, RBS operates as a subsidiary of the NatWest Group, providing personal banking services to some 3.3 million customers, as well as a range of business banking solutions. Each year it welcomes applications to its Early Careers programme, offering summer internships and graduate pathways in various business units, including:

  • Finance
  • Private banking
  • Customer solutions
  • Change and business solutions
  • Internal audit
  • Risk
  • RBS International

For undergraduates, its summer internships are paid, eight week placements. Graduate programmes are two or three year rotational placements, depending on the chosen pathway, and offer supported development and coaching, with the chance to work towards a professional qualification.

Royal Bank of Scotland Application Process

For both summer internships and graduate programmes, the RBS application process is the same. Recruitment begins in September, and candidates are encouraged to submit their applications at the earliest opportunity, as they are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Undergraduates interested in an internship can apply in their penultimate year of study. For graduate programmes, you can apply as early as your final year of study.

The process starts with a standard application form, followed by online testing, interview and assessment.

Royal Bank of Scotland Online Application Form

Once you've considered the roles on offer and chosen the one most suited to your interests and skill set, you'll need to create an account on RBS's recruitment platform to submit your initial application.

The application itself is exactly what you'd expect for any graduate position. You'll need to provide your contact details and educational background, as well as answer some initial screening questions. This is your first chance to demonstrate your suitability for the role, and your motivations for applying to RBS, so take time over your responses and consider your words carefully.

Most positions do not require you to upload a CV. For those that do, make sure it is tailored to this specific application.

Royal Bank of Scotland Aptitude Tests

RBS then uses the Sky Rise City Interactive Game and a series of Korn Ferry psychometric tests to narrow down the candidate pool. These are designed to measure both natural aptitude and behavioural characteristics.

The first is a situational judgement test, which you'll be invited to complete immediately after you submit your application. If you perform well on this test, you'll be asked to complete a short gamified assessment, and numerical and logical reasoning tests.

Royal Bank of Scotland Situational Judgement Test

A situational judgement test gives RBS the chance to evaluate candidates on their values, and determine whether or not these align with those upheld by the organisation.

This is done by asking you to navigate through a series of hypothetical situations commonly encountered in the workplace. For each, you'll be given around four possible responses and will need to select which you personally believe to be the best and the worst course of action.

There are around 15 scenarios to work through in total, and the test should take between 20 and 30 minutes to complete.

Royal Bank of Scotland Sky Rise City Interactive Game

Successful candidates will then be sent a link to an interactive game-based assessment called Sky Rise City. Unlike traditional aptitude and personality tests, gamified versions require you to respond instinctively, giving a more realistic representation of your skills and behavioural style in action.

Throughout the game, you'll complete a series of different challenges that reveal character traits and innate strengths like decision making and cognitive processing. These tests use complex methods of analysis to give RBS a more insightful candidate profile.

Royal Bank of Scotland Numerical Reasoning Test

The numerical reasoning test is a timed, multiple choice test that measures your ability to process, evaluate and interpret numerical data presented in varying forms.

You'll answer questions based on statistics, figures and data sets given in charts, tables and graphs. The problems posed will not require complex calculations, but you should brush up on basic arithmetic, fractions, percentages and ratios in preparation.

The most difficult thing about a numerical reasoning test is the time pressure - you'll need to work at speed without compromising on accuracy. The best way to do this is to put in the hard work beforehand with plenty of practice tests.

Royal Bank of Scotland Logical Reasoning Test

In conjunction with numerical aptitude, your analytical and problem solving skills will also be assessed through a logical reasoning test.

These tests come in many forms, but RBS usesdiagrammatic reasoning. This involves analysis of diagrams containing abstract patterns. Within these patterns certain rules and relationships will exist, which you'll need to identify in order to complete the sequence, or fill in a missing part.

Again, these tests are both multiple choice and timed - and again - practice is the best way to ensure a competitive performance.

Royal Bank of Scotland Video Interview

If you're successful in passing the initial screening tests, you'll be sent a link to take part in a video interview, along with detailed instructions on how to do so.

This interview is one way - that is to say, you'll upload recorded responses to predetermined questions, rather than take part in a live, two way conversation via a video conferencing platform.

You'll need to answer a combination of competency and scenario based questions, so make sure you have plenty of examples to hand that demonstrate your skills in action. You'll also be asked motivational questions, so take the time to consider why you've chosen this career path, and what drives you. It's also a good idea to practice recording yourself before you complete the interview, as it can take time to master talking to camera in a positive, confident way.

You can use any device with a camera for this part of the process, and it should take around 20 to 30 minutes in all.

Royal Bank of Scotland Assessment Centre

The final stage of the RBS application process is participation in an assessment centre. These are currently held virtually, but are still a full day, and consist of a variety of activities that you'd normally participate in in person.

The exact nature of your assessment centre will depend on the pathway you've applied to, but generally speaking, you can expect to take part in the following:

Royal Bank of Scotland Competency Based Interview

This will be a formal interview with a member of the hiring team, in which you'll be asked to provide real world examples of your strengths. It's best to approach competency based questions using the STAR method, detailing a situation, task, action and result.

Royal Bank of Scotland Group Exercise

Here you'll be required to work with other applicants to solve some sort of business problem. Both your own initiative and team working skills will be observed here, so you'll need to work collaboratively.

Royal Bank of Scotland Individual Exercise

This could take the form of role play, where you'll act out a hypothetical scenario with an assessor, or some form of written exercise. Certain roles also require candidates to complete additional testing.

You'll be assessed on a variety of strengths throughout the day, including relationship building, teamwork and decision making. Assessors will also be looking at your understanding of the current market, and the future potential of RBS as an organisation.

On completion of your assessment centre, you should hear back from the hiring team within a week. If successful, you'll then be informed of the process moving forward.

Sample RBS Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

What can be inferred about the competitive landscape from the passage?

Businesses today are not just competing based on product offerings, but also on the customer experience they deliver. The emphasis on customer-centric innovation has led to the adoption of new technologies that personalize the customer's journey. This trend is changing the landscape of competition and compelling companies to redefine their value propositions.

  • Companies that fail to innovate around customer experience will likely fall behind competitors.
  • The adoption of new technologies has a negligible impact on the company's competitive position.
  • The value of products is more important than the customer experience.
  • Most companies are rejecting new technologies in favor of traditional customer service methods.

A client's investment portfolio shows that 70% of their funds are allocated to stocks, 20% to bonds, and the remaining to cash. If the total value of the portfolio is $100,000, how much is allocated to cash?

  • $10,000
  • $20,000
  • $30,000
  • $15,000
  • $5,000

A customer service department received 120 calls last Monday. If they received 20% more calls on the next Monday, how many calls did they receive?

  • 144 calls
  • 140 calls
  • 150 calls
  • 136 calls

When comparing last quarter's revenue with this quarter, there is an increase of 15%. If this quarter's revenue is $23,000, what was last quarter's revenue?

  • $20,000
  • $19,565
  • $26,450
  • $21,500

After reading the passage, identify the main argument the author is making.

The current economic climate has led companies to re-evaluate their spending and investment strategies. Cost-cutting measures have become more prevalent as organizations aim to increase their operational efficiency. However, aggressive cost-cutting could lead to a decrease in product quality, which may adversely affect customer satisfaction and long-term profitability.

  • Companies should focus exclusively on cost-cutting strategies to improve efficiency.
  • Organizations are investing more as a response to the current economic climate.
  • Aggressive cost-cutting measures might harm customer satisfaction and profitability.
  • Current economic conditions have not affected companies' spending strategies.

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Very good practice for the actual exam and diverse examples covering all possible cases of the actual test.

Son used Fintest to help pass his aptitude tests for Credit Suisse.


RBS Assessments Tips

Know Your Enemy!

It's no secret that anticipation can be a game-changer. Before you dive into the world of financial sector exams, take a moment to understand what you're up against. At Fintest, we offer tailored practice exams designed to mirror the real tests you'll encounter during the RBS application process. By familiarizing yourself with the format and types of questions you'll face, you can walk into your test with confidence!

Time is of the Essence

These exams aren't just about what you know, but also how efficiently you can showcase your smarts! To ace the test, you need to balance accuracy with speed. Through our Fintest practice tests, you'll learn to manage your time effectively, ensuring that you're able to give each question the attention it deserves without running out the clock.

Keep Calm and Carry On

Stress can be a major roadblock to success in any exam setting. That's why it's crucial to learn stress management techniques well before you sit for the real deal. Practice exams at Fintest aren't just for your brain; they're for your nerves, too. The more you practice in a simulated test environment, the cooler and more collected you'll be when it truly counts.

Error-proof Your Strategy

Mistakes happen, but they don't have to define your test experience. With the Fintest suite of practice exams, you can pinpoint where you tend to slip up and work to correct those errors. Learn from your mistakes in a risk-free environment so when the actual test at RBS comes around, you'll be as error-proof as possible.

Feed Your Brain

Never underestimate the power of a well-fed mind. As part of your test preparation, it's important to keep your brain in top form with a good night's sleep, proper hydration, and nutrition. While Fintest helps prepare your mind technically, you're in charge of its well-being. Together, we can ensure your brain is primed for success!

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RBS Assessments FAQs

How long does the RBS hiring process take?

The RBS hiring process typically takes 4-8 weeks.

What are the stages of being hired at RBS?

The stages of being hired at RBS include submitting an application, online assessments, phone or video interviews, and a final assessment center or in-person interview.

What are the core values at RBS?

RBS's core values are:

  • Inclusivity
  • Curiosity
  • Robustness
  • Sustainability
  • Ambition
How do I practice for an RBS assessment test?

You can practice free RBS test questions to get familiar with the format and improve your test score using our online platform - no credit card required.